i wanted to fly,
give it a try.
how it feels to be free,
to cuddle in the lap of thee.
then i realized i need to be special,
it wont do if i just get a facial;
you need to have wings,
those that make you fly, such sort of things.
i saw an injured bird trying to go away,
in the winds that would make it sway;
it was badly hurt, it knew,
its days of life might now be few.
it started to try from a wall,
i feared that it might happen to fall;
it made a plunge, flapping one of its wing,
could n't continue much, and found one branch to cling.
again it started from there,
if it flew, it would be a nightmare;
but this time it went through a hell,
with a loud thud, on the ground it fell.
i closed my eyes, i could not see it in pain,
tears fell from my eyes like the drops of rain;
why did it still want to fly i thought,
why against all odds, it fought.
i saw the disappointment in its eyes,
sad at the failure, inspite of many tries;
why the life has to be this harsh i questioned,
it will give us challenges, nobody has ever mentioned.
three days after, i came to see it,
to check whether has it come out of that shit;
to my surprise it seemed to have been healed,
can't express how happy then i feeled.
but, it was now no longer able to achieve heights,
enjoy with its friends all those fights;
it settled itself on a tree,
there only it made itself feel free.
it had built for itself a beautiful nest,
now no longer it travelled places in some quest;
happy to me it did seem,
its life was now like a cake, though without a cream :)
it found for itself a new meaning to life,
on that very tree it started to dive;
from branch to branch it merrily jumped,
that time of pain now seemed to be dumped.
seeing it that day i learnt something,
from that very day i stopped cribbing;
be happy in life with whatever you have got,
and think about those who have them not.